
A happy German Shepherd mix breed dog is smiling with his tounge hanging out and his eyes closed as he sticks his head out the family car window while drving down the road.

Why we need to make joy a priority

Why we need to make joy a priority   Experiencing joy is an essential part of being human. I would say it’s as important for our well-being as exercising or eating vegetables.   In lockdown, some of the usual places we found joy were not accessible to us in the same way. But because humans …

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Happy teenager jumping with colorful ink splatter on urban background concept

How to supercharge your energy this year

The beginning of the year is the most popular point in the calendar for fresh approaches and new perspectives. Is this the year you will magically achieve everything you didn’t quite manage last year? It can be really helpful to set goals, but making sure they are realistic is so important. If we create impossible …

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Woman sleeping on a comfortable bed in the clouds

How to make your sleep truly restorative

Do you get enough quality sleep? Give yourself permission to make this a priority for the next couple of weeks and watch your energy soar. Here’s how… 30% of the general population complains of sleep disruption. We all ‘know’ how important sleep is to all aspects of our energy, but many of us don’t actually follow through with prioritising …

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Color Splash series. Composition of fractal paint and rich texture on the subject of imagination, creativity and art

Boosting your Spirit Energy

If your Spirit Energy is an underused energy source, investing in it will help you have a stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment, and experience greater levels of joy. Investing in our Power Potential energy can have great merits for us. Here are a few straightforward tactics to boost your Spirit PowerBar. Contribute It is …

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Superhero kid against blue sky background. Girl power concept

Boosting Your Physical Energy

If your Physical Energy is an underused energy source, investing in it will help you to maintain more vitality throughout your day and harness the capacity to see your plans through. Investing in our Power Potential energy can be extremely beneficial for our wellbeing – here are a few easy ways to boost your Physical …

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Boosting Your Mental Energy

If your Mental Energy is an underused energy source, investing in it will help you maintain a more balanced logic and improve your thought process. Investing in our Power Potential energy can hold great rewards for us! We have a few simple solutions that will help to boost your Mental PowerBar. 5 Magic Minutes Spend …

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yoga dog sitting relaxed with closed eyes

Boosting your Emotional Energy

If your Emotional Energy is an underused energy source, investing in it will help you feel more at ease with the world and have a greater tolerance and acceptance of others. Investing in our Power Potential energy can have amazing benefits. Here are some simple ways to boost your Emotional PowerBar. Express Expressing emotions can …

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A sleepy gloomy displeased gray Scottish fold cat with yellow eyes lies on the bed.

4 Easy ways to Energise your Mornings

Mornings clearly aren’t everyone’s favourite, with a recorded 6 out of 10 of us waking up feeling grumpy. Luckily, there are lots of ways we can turn our mood around and energise our start to the day, without the need to reach for another caffeine hit! When we think of energising our morning, we tend …

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happy little child, baby girl laughing and playing in autumn

Your Autumn Energy

As we move into autumn, now is a crucial time to check in with your energy levels. We often leave new regimes and lifestyle changes to ‘after the summer’, as well as a whole host of practical and social activities. It’s a great time to look ahead to the end of the year, and think …

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woman like a superhero

How to boost your vitality and energy for a more powerful you

Understand your personal energy and how to boost it. How powerful do you feel right now? Just pause for a moment and think where your energy levels are. Do you feel powerful and able to make things happen in your world? If you build up your own personal energy reserves by actively feeding your personal …

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