How to Spring Clean your Energies

How to Spring Clean your Energies

Wendy Shooter CPsychol MSc BSc

Spring is a wonderful time to begin anew. We often feel a natural boost to our energy at this point in the year, so why not give nature a helping hand and utilise it to jump-start you to the next level.

When we spring clean our environments we usually have a good clear out, de-clutter, get organised and have a thorough clean. What does this mean for our energies? It is about clearing out the old that no longer serves you, and moving through habits that you want to break out of.

These could be around nutrition and exercise, our physical energy, or it may be thoughts- our mental energy, that are interrupting your effectiveness or positivity. Perhaps you are feeling emotionally jangled or it is your spirits that need a boost? Here are some thoughts and ideas to help you spring clean your energy.

De-clutter your mind

Let’s start with our mental energy, and de-cluttering our minds. We often have a load of ‘must do’ tasks whizzing around our heads that we haven’t got round to. Stop. Make a list, and then assign a couple of hours, or longer, to blitz through these tasks.

Zapping negative thoughts is another way to de-clutter your mind, as repeatedly thinking them will continuously erode your mental energy and prevent you from being in your best form. Write down 3 positive beliefs you have about yourself or your life, they need to be true and you need to believe them. It could be anything, such as, ‘I have great friends, I am a brilliant problem solver, I enjoy my job.’ Whenever a repeating negative thought comes into your head, have a go at replacing it with one of these thoughts.

Harmonise your Emotions

To spring clean your emotional energy is to create serenity in your being. Maybe you’ve gotten in the habit of feeling anxious with all the challenges in the world and would like to make a change in that dimension. A wonderful and free tool we have available to us for this is our breath. Box breathing is a fantastic technique to shift your nervous system out of an anxious, fight-or-flight state and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Simply breath in slowly through the nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for 4, exhale for another count of 4, and hold your breath again for another count of 4. Repeat 3 to 4 rounds, or more if you like.

Reconnect with your Joy 

Maybe you have got out of the habit of connecting with people and activities who make your heart sing?  Think about the people you have the most fun with, or what you would enjoy the most if you were gifted a free day. Prioritising doing things we enjoy is an important aspect of our well-being and health.

Re-Habituate your Body

We have all moved through good and bad habits with our nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration and alcohol consumption. Think about some of the good habits you have and congratulate yourself on these. Now think about the good habits you have let slip that made a real difference to your energy. Remember what it felt like when your energy was this good. How much would you like to reform this habit? What could get in the way?

Which of your 4 energies most need a spring clean? Or maybe it is all 4. Make a commitment to yourself now about the changes you will make and give nature a helping hand to catapult you into spring.


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