What's your Energetic Super Power Take the My PowerBar Quiz What is your Energetic Super Power? Find out whether your Mental, Emotional, Spirit or Physical Energy gives you Super Powers. Mental Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Mental Energy. You are an excellent thinker and brilliant at finding solutions. Usually clear about what you want to achieve, you have the ability to focus and methodically work through what needs to be done. A structured approach is your hallmark, and there will be a sense of order even though this may not always be clear or visible to others. When you have clarified your goal, developed your plan and identified solutions to road blocks – you are unstoppable. To better understand your Mental SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Emotional and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Emotional Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Emotional Energy. You can be relied on to take a co-operative approach rather than pushing your own agenda. Often able to accept what is rather than constantly trying to change events, you can exude a level of peace and calm Much better at being patient than a lot of your friends, you can be the voice of reason and balance when others are becoming irritable and intolerant. You are amazing at taking into account different points of view and finding a way through that works for everybody. When you can create a sense of co-operation and ease you are unstoppable. To better understand your Emotional SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Mental and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Spirit Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Spirit Energy. You have a clear purpose and drive to make a significant contribution to the world. With the ability to believe in the impossible even when surrounded by doubt, others often draw strength from you. Your passion and enthusiasm act as inspiration to others and can ignite their interest and engagement. It is usually important for those with a strong Spirit Energy to go about their work and life in a way which supports their values. When all aspects of the Spirit PowerBar are combined, using the energy of great passion and belief to fuel values based action in support of a clear purpose– you are unstoppable. To better understand your Spirit SuperPower and Boost your Emotional, Mental and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Physical Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Physical Energy. You really are very good at getting on with it. Having a dislike of sitting down for too long you will be on the go and are fantastic at getting the physical tasks done. Your physical stamina means you can often keep going when others have run out of steam. Exercise and physical movement are critical in your day and you don’t feel OK if you have to be still for prolonged periods. You are connected to how different foods affect your body and are motivated to eat in a way that nourishes your physical energy. When you have been able to get your sleep, regular exercise, some outdoor time and been eating well – you are unstoppable. To better understand your Physical SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Mental and Emotional PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. If I asked your buddy what you were like, they would most likely say Are you an active person More than anything, you need to feel How good are you at flexing to meet others needs It's one of 'those' days. How will you make yourself feel better Do you have a strong sense of purpose Are you best at Your thoughts are usually clear and focused You would be sooooo embarrassed if you You fancy taking a course, do you want one that Being tolerant is something you find easy You have a couple of hours to spare. Which will you enjoy the most You find it easy to take a logical approach It's Saturday! You're on your way to one of your fave things, you like it to Would you say you are enthusiastic Looking for your next great job, what is most important For you, it's most tricky when you feel How patient are you Physical exercise is important to you Are you Do you approach the world with curiosity Is your diet super nourishing Is beauty important to you What is your Energetic Super Power? Find out whether your Mental, Emotional, Spirit or Physical Energy gives you Super Powers. Mental Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Mental Energy. You are an excellent thinker and brilliant at finding solutions. Usually clear about what you want to achieve, you have the ability to focus and methodically work through what needs to be done. A structured approach is your hallmark, and there will be a sense of order even though this may not always be clear or visible to others. When you have clarified your goal, developed your plan and identified solutions to road blocks – you are unstoppable. To better understand your Mental SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Emotional and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Emotional Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Emotional Energy. You can be relied on to take a co-operative approach rather than pushing your own agenda. Often able to accept what is rather than constantly trying to change events, you can exude a level of peace and calm Much better at being patient than a lot of your friends, you can be the voice of reason and balance when others are becoming irritable and intolerant. You are amazing at taking into account different points of view and finding a way through that works for everybody. When you can create a sense of co-operation and ease you are unstoppable. To better understand your Emotional SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Mental and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Spirit Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Spirit Energy. You have a clear purpose and drive to make a significant contribution to the world. With the ability to believe in the impossible even when surrounded by doubt, others often draw strength from you. Your passion and enthusiasm act as inspiration to others and can ignite their interest and engagement. It is usually important for those with a strong Spirit Energy to go about their work and life in a way which supports their values. When all aspects of the Spirit PowerBar are combined, using the energy of great passion and belief to fuel values based action in support of a clear purpose– you are unstoppable. To better understand your Spirit SuperPower and Boost your Emotional, Mental and Physical PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. Physical Energy Super Power One of your SuperPowers is your Physical Energy. You really are very good at getting on with it. Having a dislike of sitting down for too long you will be on the go and are fantastic at getting the physical tasks done. Your physical stamina means you can often keep going when others have run out of steam. Exercise and physical movement are critical in your day and you don’t feel OK if you have to be still for prolonged periods. You are connected to how different foods affect your body and are motivated to eat in a way that nourishes your physical energy. When you have been able to get your sleep, regular exercise, some outdoor time and been eating well – you are unstoppable. To better understand your Physical SuperPower and Boost your Spirit, Mental and Emotional PowerBars join our Online Course, download our free App or have some PowerBar Coaching. If I asked your buddy what you were like, they would most likely say Are you an active person More than anything, you need to feel How good are you at flexing to meet others needs It's one of 'those' days. How will you make yourself feel better Do you have a strong sense of purpose Are you best at Your thoughts are usually clear and focused You would be sooooo embarrassed if you You fancy taking a course, do you want one that Being tolerant is something you find easy You have a couple of hours to spare. Which will you enjoy the most You find it easy to take a logical approach It's Saturday! You're on your way to one of your fave things, you like it to Would you say you are enthusiastic Looking for your next great job, what is most important For you, it's most tricky when you feel How patient are you Physical exercise is important to you Are you Do you approach the world with curiosity Is your diet super nourishing Is beauty important to you