4 Easy ways to Energise your Mornings

Mornings clearly aren’t everyone’s favourite, with a recorded 6 out of 10 of us waking up feeling grumpy. Luckily, there are lots of ways we can turn our mood around and energise our start to the day, without the need to reach for another caffeine hit! When we think of energising our morning, we tend …

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happy little child, baby girl laughing and playing in autumn

Your Autumn Energy

As we move into autumn, now is a crucial time to check in with your energy levels. We often leave new regimes and lifestyle changes to ‘after the summer’, as well as a whole host of practical and social activities. It’s a great time to look ahead to the end of the year, and think …

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Energise your Work Day

The key to good energy levels is to incorporate boosts in every part of our day. We spend huge amounts of time at work, so understanding how we can get our energy boosts while we work is critical. Generosity is a super booster for the Emotional PowerBar, as you get a boost as well as …

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PowerBar your House!

That spring clean and clear out you’ve been meaning to get round to is a great way to give all four of your PowerBars a boost. Clearing out clutter and creating order in our environment boosts our Mental PowerBar, as does the sense of achievement we get when it is done. You will definitely be …

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Beat Blue Monday!

Blue Monday is the name given to the third Monday of January and it is the most depressing day of the year. You can make a difference to this day, for yourself and the people around you. We never really know what is going on for the people around us; just because they ‘seem ok’ …

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